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Low Sex Desire

Low sex desire in females is a common phenomenon that can be attributed to various factors. It's essential to understand that low sex desire is not just a woman's issue, but a complex problem that can be influenced by hormonal changes, stress, fatigue, relationship issues, and even medical conditions. In some cases, low sex desire may be a symptom of an underlying issue such as depression, anxiety, or past trauma.

It's crucial to address the underlying causes and work on building a healthy and fulfilling relationship with one's partner to improve sexual desire and intimacy.

Low Sex Desire in Female According To Unani Medicine

According to the Unani system of medicine, low sex desire in females is attributed to an imbalance of the three humors (Khilwat, Ar-Ruh, and Dam) in the body. The primary causes of low sex desire are considered to be an excess of cold and dampness in the body, which leads to a decrease in the secretion of the hormone estrogen, resulting in decreased libido.

Additionally, other factors such as a weak or cold uterus, excessive menstrual bleeding, and emotional stress can also contribute to low sex desire. In Unani medicine, treatment for low sex desire in females typically involves the use of warm and dry remedies to balance the humors, such as herbal supplements, topical applications, and dietary changes.

Treatment Options of Low Sex Desire

The treatment of low sex desire in females typically involves a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Psychotherapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and sex therapy can help individuals identify and address underlying emotional and psychological issues that may be contributing to low libido. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may also be prescribed to balance hormone levels, particularly in women experiencing menopause or other hormonal imbalances. Lifestyle changes, such as increasing exercise and stress management, can also help improve sexual desire. It is essential for women to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for their individual needs.

Line Of Treatment According  to Unani Medicine

In the Unani system of medicine, the treatment of low sex desire in females is based on the concept of "Ahwal-e-Niswi" or the physical and mental states of women. The Unani physician would first diagnose the underlying cause of the low sex desire, which could be related to hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety, or emotional issues. The treatment would involve a combination of herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to balance the humors and restore the natural sexual desire. Some of the herbs commonly used in Unani medicine for this condition include Ashwagandha, Shilajit, and Musli, which are believed to enhance sexual desire and improve overall reproductive health.

Success Rate of Unani medicine in Female Low Sex Desire

According to Unani system of medicine, the success percentage of treatment of low sex desire in females is reported to be around 75-85%. The treatment typically involves a holistic approach, incorporating dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as the use of herbal remedies and minerals to balance the humoral and hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to the condition.

The Unani system emphasizes the importance of treating the underlying causes of the condition, such as hormonal imbalances, emotional stress, and nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to improved sexual function and overall well-being.

Are you struggling with low sex desire as a female? Consult today Dr. Nizamuddin Qasmi, the best sexologist doctor, for a successful treatment. As a renowned expert in the field, Dr. Qasmi has helped numerous women overcome their sexual health issues, including low sex desire. With his expertise and personalized approach, you can regain your confidence and enjoy a fulfilling sexual life. Visit [website URL] to schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier and happier you. Book your appointment online or call us on +91-9452580944 to consult with Dr. Nizamuddin Qasmi, a renowned sexologist doctor. He offers expert treatment for low sex desire in females, ensuring successful outcomes.